目前分類:塔羅 (5)

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Self: The Moon

You are moving between worlds, shifting and modifying. Reality changes from hour to hour ... leaving instinct and intuition as your guides. All the architecture of civilization has been stripped from your personality and you are naked unto yourself.


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The wise apprentice shapes him or herself to the needs of the work and embraces a lifestyle, not just a job description. As you master the skills and techniques as well as the laws and rules of your trade or profession, you create value in yourself and a niche for yourself in your field.


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Self: Knight of Wands

Inside there is a powerful feeling of youthful idealism, as well as a bit of daring naivete -- you have no idea if this is going to be difficult or not, but those problems are tomorrow's problems. Today the energy is high, spirits are bright, the sky is clear and if there ever was a heroic and noble impulse in you, you are getting a chance to express it now.

Situation: Eight of Swords

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Self: Eight of Pentacles

Give yourself credit for the quality work you are producing.

The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.

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